Author: admin
Men’s Ministry

The men’s ministry’s primary goal is to bring men closer to God, their families, the community, and each other. As men we want to enrich our relationships with Jesus Christ through prayer, devotion, bible study, and open communication about our individual successes & struggles. We want to hold each other accountable and rigorously reinforce our faith in our daily lives..
Deaconess/Minister’s Wives
Women have been a cornerstone in the work of our church since its inception. The Deaconess/Minister’s Wives Ministry assists our pastor and deacons in those ministries where women are most effective. This ministry assists with the ordinances of the church – Baptism and The Lord’s Supper, and also helps promote the spiritual growth of the church.
Pastor/Deacon Ministry

The word “deacon” is derived from the Greek word diákonos which is a standard ancient Greek word meaning “servant”. The deacon’s ministry of our church serves as support of the pastoral ministry and all other ministries. The purpose of the deacon ministry is serve the Lord by conducting the care ministry of the church.
Usher Ministry

The Usher Ministry serves as the church doorkeepers to ensure that worshippers feel welcome when entering into the building. Ushers combine a warm welcome with a pleasant smile as they direct and seat worshippers. This ministry assists the pastor by maintaining an atmosphere of reverence and order before, during and after the service ensuring that members and visitors may receive the Holy Word.
Music Ministry

Church music has played a major role in our worship experience down through the years. The purpose of the Music Ministry is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song. This ministry encourage believers in their walk with Christ through music and leads the congregation during the worship services. The Music Ministry also enables choir members to grow spiritually by committing their time and gifts to God.